Scipio, now powerful enough, proposed to end the war by directly invading the Carthaginian homeland. Soon after Scipio's victory at Zama the war ended, with the Carthaginian senate suing for peace. A pesar de la humillante derrota, Aníbal logró huir a Cartago. Escipión tomó dos medidas geniales para contrarrestar el ataque de los elefantes: ordenó a sus hombres bruñir corazas, cascos y cualquier cosa de metal, de tal modo que el sol se reflejara en ellos y deslumbrara a los animales, y se hizo acompañar por músicos y los llevó a vanguardia, donde sus cuernos y trompetas espantaron a los animales de la izquierda, de tal modo que retrocedieron y sembraron la confusión entre la caballería númida. Las caballerías de Masinisa y Lelio atacaron y provocaron la huida de la caballería númida de Tiqueo, mientras que los veteranos de Aníbal comenzaban a ganar terreno. In 205 BC Scipio returned to Rome, where he was elected consul by unanimous vote. The greatest concern for Scipio was the elephants. Also, Carthage was to reduce its fleet and pay a war indemnity. The elephants opened the battle by charging the main Roman army. The treaty bankrupted Carthage and destroyed any chance of its being a military power in the future, although its economic recovery was quick. Date: 8 May 2015: Source: Own work: Author: Zirguezi: This file contains text that might be in a language different from your own. Meanwhile, the rest of the elephants were carefully lured through the lanes and funneled to the rear of the Roman army, where they were dealt with. Antes de conocer la disposición de las fuerzas de cada bando en el mapa de la batalla de Zama, hay que detenernos brevemente en el tamaño de cada ejército, ya que, a pesar de ser una de las batallas más importantes de la Antigüedad, no contamos con cifras exactas totalmente fiables. Lacus Curtius: Las guerras púnicas de Apiano de Alejandría, Zama: el final de la segunda guerra púnica,, Wikipedia:Artículos con datos por trasladar a Wikidata, Wikipedia:Artículos con coordenadas en Wikidata, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores LCCN, Wikipedia:Páginas con enlaces mágicos de ISBN, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0, 20 000-25 000 muertos y 8500-20 000 prisioneros. Bus: 2; Train: C-1; How to get to Calle Batalla de Zama by Bus? Their presence is widely discounted as Roman propaganda, although T. Dorey suggests that there may be a grain of truth here if the Carthaginians recruited a trivial and unofficial number of mercenaries from Macedonia.[13]. The plan was that when the elephants charged, these lanes would open, allowing them to pass through the legionaries' ranks and be dealt with at the rear of the army. Hannibal begins the battle with his war elephants charging at Roman front. Los romanos adoptaron la disposición clásica de batalla de la legión, denominada triplex acies: con los lanceros hastati en primera línea, los veteranos príncipes en segunda y los lanceros triarii, armados con lanzas largas, detrás. Hannibal waited for Scipio to attack. They organized a defense of their home city which, after an extended siege, was captured and completely destroyed in 146 BC. 30-42 (en inglés), Según Livio, "más de veinte mil fueron muertos, y un número aproximadamente igual de ellos capturados". 2. [7]:96 He was later authorized to employ the regular forces stationed in Sicily, which consisted mainly of the remnants of the 5th and 6th Legion, exiled to the island as a punishment for the humiliation they suffered at the Battle of Cannae. Hannibal was first to march and reach the plains of Zama Regia, which were suitable for cavalry maneuvering. Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules. Masinissa was to be allowed to expand Numidia into parts of Africa. The Roman and Numidian cavalry subsequently defeated the Carthaginian cavalry and chased them from the battlefield. Al no haber podido derrotar a Aníbal o expulsarlo de Italia, los romanos cambiaron de estrategia y decidieron atacar directamente a Cartago, obligando a los cartagineses a llamar de vuelta a Aníbal, el cual estaba todavía en Italia, aunque estaba confinado al sur de la península. It has simple rules: The units can move one to three spaces (depends of each type) and battles are resolved by dice rolls; thus modified by strength of the units (infantry, cavalry, elephant) and area. Confident in Hannibal's forces, the Carthaginians broke the armistice with Rome. Scipio reinforced the hastati with the second-line principes.[10]. Scipio and Hannibal rearrange their troops into a single line and the battle remains a stalemate until the Roman cavalry returns and attacks Hannibal's infantry from the rear.
2020 batalla de zama