The prisoners fled from the concentration camp. Contó un chiste muy gracioso. carga load He spends his Sundays at the beach. We have to make some changes in our plans. â–² [n] Negro, Negress ¿Han convocado ya la reunión? Hay que avisar a la policÃa. Con aquel traje y aquel sombrero estaba hecha una visión. ° atinar con to find (hit upon) que estrechar la chaqueta. It's advisable for his health. Habla las lenguas ​extranjeras con soltura. Guarda esos papeles, son importantes. One of my best friends has failed me. That business was a gold mine. Pasaba fatigas para ganarse la vida. â–² briefcase You can cash your check at this window. ° mandar a paseo to tell someone to go fly a kite. He didn't notice my greeting. I like her an awful lot. ° ni siquiera not even, not a single nacimiento birth. Provided you do it well the price doesn't matter. Todos vestÃan traje de etiqueta. â–² pass (mountain) â–² to Le soprendió aquella noticia. We had a very good time the other night. acudir to rush Déjeme Ud. estas cartas en el buzón. ° a espaldas behind one's back They covered their hands with paint. Hay mucho sereno en las flores. Loosen the bandage a little. â–² section, piece solicitar to request, apply for paciente [adj] patient They grieved over their friend's misfortune. The floor has to be scrubbed. Pagó a cada uno lo que le debÃa. ° hacer el honor de to do the honor of He was speechless with emotion. Por el periódico puede Ud. ¿Quién posa para ese cuadro? ° tener prisa to be in a hurry. We don't question what you say. ​conmigo with me She has a bewitching face. Ese hombre roba a todo el mundo. La recepción fué muy lucida. This is the priest who married them. El pasaporte estaba en forma. His handkerchief sticks way out of his pocket. Se tapó la cara con las manos. â–² to press down on, put pressure on, compress Era un hombre siniestro. â–² why? ¡Bienvenido a mi casa! I've crossed the Atlantic several times. supremo supreme â–² to throw out, fire â–² [f] cure, treatment Mi casa está delante de la catedral. ° el partido conservador the conservative party. Esta escena me encanta. The two men fought for a long time. He's a blockhead. suelto loose, untidy cerca de near (in place) Vamos a asar las castañas. ° hacerse el sordo to turn a deaf ear These children give me so much trouble! ° agujas [pl] switch The Duke of X was among those present. We'll meet at the usual place. ¿Qué móvil tuvo Ud. I can't tell him any other way. Me tomaron mucho cariño. Do it as I tell you. Removió la tierra para sembrar la semilla. He was the first to arrive. || ¡Anda! Esa ​compra fué un negocio redondo. ¿Echó Ud. Se calentaron al sol. Eso lo tiene en la masa de la sangre. As a result of the collision one of the passengers was thrown out. â–² to know how His intervention was opportune. These are critical times. Una muchacha de muchas prendas. â–² to fasten Help! ° dar por hecho to assume, take for granted â–² admittance I'm giving it to you (to him, to them, etc). El automóvil se detuvo. ¿No le agrada ninguno de estos? hambre [f] hunger â–² to roll in Esa muchacha tiene mucho gancho. un poco la venda. â–² volume (of water) â–² heavy, warm, thick su falta? capacidad [f] capacity ° echar un sueño to take a nap pasajero passing, transitory En el centro de la plaza hay un gran monumento. precisión [f] necessity formal reliable The news shocked me. The ceremony was imposing. Me invitó a comer una vez. Su respuesta fué negativa. I must see my better half. He takes very good care of his family. You're seeing things ! Han cambiado las disposiciones. Excusó la invitación porque no le gustaba la gente. He hurt himself when he fell. They're coming along behind. â–² insurance â–² light â–² picture (illustration) TenÃa un palo en la mano. Han extendido sus negocios por todo el paÃs. â–² to remind Let's talk about that. Hicieron un viaje a la capital. El niño lo revolvÃa todo en la casa. Hay mucho movimiento en esa calle. ¿Cuál es el tÃtulo del libro? La acción se desarrolla rápidamente. He smelled danger and decided not to go out. Este fué el que llegó primero. mixto mixed. Ne acertó con la casa. Iba tras de ella. El gato metió el hocico en el puchero. ° traje largo evening dress ¿Y de ahÃ, qué hubo? He took a few hours to decide. He said it as a joke. inaudito unheard of, strange, unexpected ¿Quiere Ud. Este juguete es mecánico. ° los buenos tiempos the good old days; one's youth. cuerpo body. ° autoridades authorities, government Hicieron comparecer a ambas partes ante el juez. Ese abrigo está todavÃa en buen uso. Ponga Ud. Lo hicimos nosotros mismos. It's too far to walk. He did his work painstakingly. Primero, tenemos que localizer donde viven. The first time I came to the United States was in 1938. Se ha dedicado a la talla en madera. Tenga cuidado donde clava el alfiler. Pero no era de Ud. They've undertaken to form a cabinet. Vivo en esta casa desde el mes pasado. â–² intrigue contenido Mire Ud. The length of the war's harmful to trade. Todo el camino era recto. â–² fabrication, lies ° correr el rumor to be rumored ° ¿a dónde? â–² shocked Se ha comido un renglón. He kept watch all night over the sick man. ° salir de compras to go shopping. ° en vez de instead of Me dijeron que vendrÃan pasado mañana. ° un dÃa sà y otro no, dÃa de por medio Esta historia comprende también la época contemporánea. â–² to get dusty desalentar [rad-ch I] to discourage Tápese bien que hace frÃo afuera. convenir [irr] to agree No sabe llevar el compás. Estoy aquà abajo. ojear to glance through Naufragaron en la proximidad de aquella costa. No podÃa soportar el amargor del café. Excuse me! Es admirable la precisión de la máquina. arrollar to coil calma calm, quiet postage Le persuadió a que se quesdasen. Una vida muelle. Dried fruits. ° clavarse to stick, prick I'm urging him to come with us. ° el tal, la tal They were speaking in a low voice. Which number drew the prize? No se meta Ud. Tiene una inteligencia muy viva. ruido noise norte [m] north. He felt the need of a change of climate. Era uno de los dirigentes de la clase trabajadora. Súbase sobre esa silla para alcanzar el cuadro. The room was in darkness. Nochebuena Christmas Eve They sacrificed their son. â–² worried [Am] sufrido (see sufrir) serviceable, practical Cuesta demasiado. Viene a tener unos cuatro mil pesos de renta al año. â–² cargo Le atajó cutiéndole que no. They're generous with their friends. cansar to tire They're always discussing clothes. || â–² [m] opponent This beef is very tender. What would you like for the main course? colocar to put, arrange Esto sabe mal. ¿Llegaremos antes del fin de la pelÃcula? Investigue Ud. â–² attendance ¡Cuidado con las chispas que saltan de la chimenea! alistarse to get ready [Am] preparar to prepare Hice el viaje por avión. Aunque se suele considerar que el tamaño estándar de las tarjetas de presentación es de 3.5 x 2 pulgadas (9 x 5 cm) o el tamaño A8 (74 × 52 mm) si prefieres usar el formato de papel ISO, lo cierto es las medidas que se consideran "estándar" varÃan según el paÃs. galápago fresh-water tortoise. quiera. ° hacerse tarde to become (or get) late The government calls upon him to defend his country. || Lo siento en el alma. música music You need more sleep. You're a great gadabout, my boy. Let the matter rest until I get back. â–² to stop (over), stay He found himself in a tight spot. Now I understand what you mean. No sólo era pobre, sino (también) desgraciado. â–² registration arrepentirse [rad-ch II] to be sorry for, regret He was in his shirt sleeves. He arrived without a penny. ° dar cabo a to end, put an end to, finish The party began exactly on the hour. Blow the horn so that car'll let us pass. morir [irr] to die gozar to enjoy oneself, have a good time [Am] ¿Venden Uds. He didn't use his real name. Do you have mail service out here? In South America there are many traces of Indian culture. soltura poise, ease (of movement) al menos llegar a la hora. There's more than enough food. Primero es tin tonto; segundo no me gusta. grabado (see grabar) engraved ° derechos de aduana customs duties Los dos se disputaron el premio. ° tener buen diente to be a hearty eater Your opinion counts a lot. Lo haremos asà de ahora en adelante. ¿Verdad? He's worked hard to get what he wanted. â–² to discharge, dismiss, fire colgado (See colgar) hanging This work's taking too much of his time. If you don't go you'll have to apologize. I need a leather briefcase. â–² to untie, unwrap ° más tarde o más temprano sooner or later My brother's six years younger than I am. Tienen negocios de petróleo. La trasladaron a otro departamento. I need the key to decode this message. insano unhealthy, unsanitary; insane This is not to his liking. camiserÃa haberdashery, store for men's wear. No se relacione con tales gentes. ​alcanzar to catch up with, overtake certificado (see certificar) certificate ° en todas partes everywhere ° de arriba abajo from top to bottom, from head to foot vecindario population of a district, ward, etc. or No ha contestado a mi carta. The thieves carried off the jewels. ° poco tiempo a short time. Don't discourage him about his work. Siguió hablando más de dos horas. â–² [adv] loud Dio cuenta de todo el tabaco. energÃa energy. local [adj] local We got in after a long wait. â–² [m] seaman The street was filled with people. ° a lo sumo at most señor [m] Mr. ° materia prima raw material. I don't know whether he's ​living or dead. She's a very cute girl. Extendieron el mapa sobre la mesa. ¿Habla Ud. What time do you have dinner? She gets excited over anything. The cost amounted to twelve pesos. ¿Cuánto es la suma total? He went into that business blindly. or la apuesta? tomo volume ° matar dos pájaros en un tiro to kill two birds with one stone. caza hunt, hunting Visitamos los lugares históricos del paÃs. â–² to amount to, cost I'll go provided you go with me. I haven't my pen with me. This is a dangerous thing to handle. reponer [irr] to replace The explanation is clear. Han recogido varios huérfanos. ¿Es este el Ministerio de Trabajo? ° tener la bondad (de) please obligar to oblige, force, compel That company has a very large payroll. â–² to fit Se ha quedado atrás con unos amigos. The submarines sank a lot of ships. coraje [m] anger; courage, bravery. â–² acute (of an angle) This copy's full of mistakes. He still regrets that sudden impulse. â–² to settle En milÃmetros: 279,4 x 431,8 milÃmetros. razón para desconfiar de él. despacharme, por favor? tabla board, plank We left four days later. ​demostración [f] proof Tuvo que hacer cola en el despacho de billetes. Those boards are badly joined. Cross out that word. vigilante watchful. He gave me foolish advice. I know his weakness very well. El clima es de una gran dulzura. El clavo está torcido. Esa emisión será difundida a toda América. The road's in bad condition. nadar? opinar to judge, hold (or be of) the opinion. ♦ to fall off, diminish â–² [n] actor, actress — In my opinion it's better to change the policy. It isn't worth much. esta fruta en la nevera para que se conserve bien. I said it as a joke. herradura horseshoe Tighten this screw. ° en serie mass produced, standardized. || Buenos dÃas. ¡Qué descanso me da haber terminado eso! Habla demasiado fuerte. â–² to cover oneself He worries over every trifle. difundir to spread, tell Va a la última moda. â–² witty remark He didn't even speak to me. The ground floor was flooded. How much does my debt amount to? Número suelto, dos pesos. Luis diez y seis reinó en Francia en el siglo dieciocho. Andaba dando tumbos. Los pañuelos están en la gaveta. ° ondulación permanente permanent wave. I like chocolate ice cream. I'm certainly glad to see you. ° sobre la marcha at once They sent a deferred cablegram. ¡Ojo! â–² married couple ¿Son estas noticias recientes? ° ne tener pelos en la lengua to be outspoken Our plans are still up in the air. ° recién llegado newcomer. Eso cuesta demasiado. Debe Ud. ° posarse to light In short, what happened? This region has a very healthful climate. I have only a few cents left. The vessel ran aground off the coast. TenÃan opiniones diversas. Dejó algunas monedas sobre la mesa. â–² qualities, talent In regard to the prices you mention, we're in complete agreement. â–² to strike mostrar [rad-ch I] to show We'll close the window to keep the dust out. What time does the show start? Ese color le va muy bien. Hay que secar los platos. No matter. ° ponerse en contra de to be against, oppose Criando llegamos estaban para salir. ° pegarse to be catching The air in this room's very stuffy. inferior lower, inferior ° en absoluto (not) at all ° hacer gestos to make gestures, to signal, make (a) sign(s) This is the ticket line. Un comandante tuvo que tomar el mando de la división. â–² to include, contain ° Viernes Santo He wouldn't give in. ° ser de fiar to be trustworthy Aquel barco naufragó en las costas de Chile. We must arrive at six on the dot. â–² to get very angry, lose one's temper They've dropped him from the team. The professor went back to very early times in his lecture. Los detenidos esperaban a que se les interrogara. ° por primera vez for the first time. No me gusta la tela de este traje. We'll propose a change. Don't lose your check stubs. hacer un lazo? ¿Qué estilo de muebles le gustarÃa? Esperaban que no muriese. Necesito más información sobre este asunto. En su conferencia el profesor se remontó a fechas muy lejanas. ° voltearse to change party or creed ° aguantarse to be patient, take it ° dar la nota discordante to be the disturbing element No dijo ni adiós. inquieto restless || ¡Socorro! Se pasó al partido contrario. Pronto regresaré a mi tierra. He has no servants at all. Léame un trozo de ese libro. They help the poor. Ha ido tantas veces que conoce muy bien el lugar. Comunique Ud. The shipment was damaged by the rain. They treated him very well. He gets discouraged at the least difficulty. His name's familiar to me. because ... might They'll take it the right way. â–² curve Se echó un farol diciendo que le conocÃa. producto product. This work's very accurately done. La tormenta aflojó. ° rodar una pelÃcula to shoot a movie â–² exactness Keep to the right. Encienda Ud. The homicidal weapon wasn't found. His words annoyed his friends. â–² coat (of paint, varnish, etc) Estos zapatos me lastiman. He hasn't got good manners. No dijo ni siquiera una palabra. For goodness' sake, don't say that! Es un pueblo de tres mil almas. The bridge collapsed. Something happened that can't be explained. â–² to submit, present He's a mature man. Tuvo un rasgo muy digno de alabanza. Faltan diez minutos para las dos. ° primer plano foreground. upon Si eso llega a suceder me alegraré mucho. No hay más remedio que soportar esto. We're in the middle of the month. He's getting ready for a trip. Eso le dio mucha cólera. Put the child to sleep. En unas horas disminuirá el dolor. who knows? Es hijo único. Le gusta probarlo todo. ¿Quiere ayudarme a bajar las maletas de la red? He was forced to sign it. Economizaba la mitad de lo que ganaba. â–² to wear He was a very useful man. He got rich quickly. victoria victory, triumph. I don't care! I don't go to the theater as often as my brother does. planilla payroll [Am] â–² to look at [Am] hábil skillful Le da vergüenza declararse. templar to tune. Los soldados marchaban de dos en fondo. â–² bomb Llegará dentro de un par de dÃas. Every one paid for his own meal. DÃgalo en lenguaje llano. â–² [m] manifesto. â–² less, least, slightest cacho piece, hunk â–² to protect Estudia a más no poder. Me siento como la mona. Desafina casi medio tono. The cork popped out and the liquid spilled. Necesitamos más obreros. cualquier(a) any, whatever, whatsoever The ceremony was very impressive. Se enredó la cuerda. dar [irr] to give. There was a detour on the road. They were taking a sun bath on the beach. Me ha echado Ud. ° darse prisa to hurry The bracelet's of fine gold. ° meterse con to pick a fight with Do it carefully. ¿Hay bastante sitio en el auto para todos? â–² to go faster, sprint Ese chiste tiene mucha sombra. They're working a silver mine. Le espero mañana a menos que Ud. antipatÃa dislike Draw a line here. â–² to aim at abierto (see abrir) open Let's go downtown. atol, atole [m] atol, atole (a hot nonalcoholic drink widely used in Mexico and Central America). atentado assassination (attempted or successful); attempt (to overthrow by violence) Meanwhile let's sit down. Avive el paso; es muy tarde. eficaz efficient, effective ° de lado sideways, on its side Las ocurrencias de aquel hombre hacÃan reÃr a todos. â–² to scratch (make scratches on) â–² hang-over [Am] Con tantas visitas no hemos podido hacer nada. ° descomponerse to dislocate ¿A qué dÃa estamos hoy? Esos dos trenes enlazan en la próxima estación. â–² to swell Se ausentó de la clase porque se sentÃa enfermo. ello it, that ° venir a ser to amount to He muttered some unintelligible words. In any case we'll go. Yo estaba por ir y ellos por quedarse. How many will come ? Este árbol da muy buena fruta. pequeño small, little The bomb destroyed three houses. Hay que armar esta máquina. For rent. I don't approve of his conduct. ° nombre de pila ° no tener vergüenza to be shameless â–² fruit, reward — No mide lo que dice. pasto pasture; grass. His work doesn't satisfy me. He left some coins on the table. lÃnea line ° mala hierba weed â–² iron, flatiron clase [f] class, kind, sort. Be careful, don't throw away those papers. It's very difficult to subdue those people. This pencil's yours; mine's on the desk. Como somos muchos, almorzaremos por tandas. Esas cosas me dan asco. afectado (see afectar) affected, unnatural. â–² latest DÃgale a la muchacha que haga las camas. ¡Por Dios! Bring the suitcase down from my room. Se portó muy mal. No le crea, todo eso es una fantasÃa. Su mal era incurable. Lo dijo con muy buenas formas. My hands are chapped. Quite de aquà estos cachivaches. Pick up that paper there on the floor. prender to fix, catch, pin or And then? desengañar to set right, undeceive. ° dar salida a to clear out, dispose of Make clear what you mean. Por la carretera iba un carro de mulas. Dentro de este edificio hay un pasaje. La lucha era muy desigual. ° hasta cierto punto to a certain extent voz [f] voice. Ese motor no tiene fuerza suficiente. ¡AnÃmese Ud.! He was bursting with health. The occupation was carried out in an orderly way. I went to see her once in a while. Si partimos por la noche llegaremos durante el dÃa. ¿En qué calle vive Ud.? hasta until Les afligió macho la pérdida de su madre. piso floor, flooring ° aplicarse to apply oneself. â–² fresh, cheeky, nervy Es muy fácil que vaya el domingo. He grumbled because they didn't pay him enough. We're half-way there. desorden [m] disorder, confusion, mess ° arreglárselas para to manage to telegrafiar to telegraph, send a telegram. palabra word They established a new regime. He comprado una caja de papel de cartas. Nations are fighting for freedom. Pagaron el traje a plazos. â–² [adv] not at all Estos territorios estuvieron bajo el dominio extranjero. saque garantÃa security Puede que vaya a Europa el próximo año. Se han encargado de formar gabinete. ¿Quiere Ud. Venga Ud. Eso salta a la vista. Deme una docena de chinas. La orden franciscana. What a fool! ajustar to tighten Al fin y al cabo no era tan mala la comedia. ° costar un triunfo to be exceedingly ​difficult He's an evil man. Tiene madera de actor. ¿Cuál es el número de su teléfono? llamada call â–² to turn over Move this table toward the corner. He studies as hard as he possibly can. ° acabar de to have just There is more here than meets the eye. â–² to discipline, correct ° tener mercado con to trade with I enclosed the receipt in the letter. pintura painting, picture He said to me: Ask such and such persons.... Eso no necesita demostración. ° acomodarse to adapt oneself Su mirada de mostraba odio. Hay que cambiar las pilas a esta linterna. De un salto se plantó en la puerta. Moor. â–² arcade There's an arcade in this building. â–² furlough ° director de orquesta orchestra conductor. There was such a crowd that nobody saw anything. ° estar en vÃsperas de to be on the eve of, be about to aquello [neu pron] that (thing) They have made him a new suit. No puede recibirle, tiene visita. It's the same hat. His conduct is exemplary. He married a very young girl. Se sentÃa molesto y dejó de hablarle. ° a la carrera hastily, hurriedly esta mesa hacia el rincón. One of his shoelaces was loose. â–² above We strolled through the park. â–² adverse, unfavorable La policÃa ha despejado la plaza. ¿Le pongo un poco de vino? || compañÃa company I don't think she'll be happy living with her motherin-law. mira intention, aim, goal ° morderse la lengua to hold or control one's tongue. ° dar a to face, overlook Es una persona muy particular. ° en particular particularly, especially I'm going to tell you about a strange incident. When I told him that he was very much embarrassed. nota note They're going to examine the baggage at the border. â–² to keep, remember, retain (in one's mind) La gente está apiñada para ver el desfile. El público silbó la comedia. He was very young when he became a colonel. The passport was in order. ° poco a poco little by little, gradually Haga una maleta con esta ropa. Where are you going? Make a bundle of these clothes. ° fuerza(s) strength. oficial [adj] official â–² mid, middle of ¿Quien creó el mundo? Apoye el pie en ese escalón. Mexican food's highly spiced. Les saca el jugo a sus empleados. La barra animaba a los jugadores. franqueo postage, amount of postage Salió ahora mismo. le [obj pron] him, to him, to her, to you, to it; [pl] them, to them, to you. The backwardness of that country's well known. â–² courage. â–² to get cool or cooler ° estar destinado a to be bound to, be destined to sueño sleep ° en frente de opposite ° perder de vista to lose sight of No complique Ud. ° por allá over there Quien asà piense se equivoca. Usa capa española. Vinieron a buscarnos. ° culto divino public worship in churches. He's a member of the medical association. We've received a note from the Spanish Consulate. Tiene un cuello muy largo. ° instrucciones instructions, directions Anoche asistimos a un concierto de música clásica. ° impedir el paso to block the way Frecuentaba el mundo de las letras. I have to shine my shoes. Tenga Ud. ° no ser para tanto not to be so serious
2020 cuanto mide águeda lópezamo tu forma de ser carta