Vencerse a sí mismo un hombre es tan grande hazaña, que sólo el que es grande puede atreverse a ejecutarla. If any Jew has acquired a Christian slave or one belonging to some other religious community, and has not shrunk from circumcising him, let the circumcised person, according to this decree, attain his freedom and enjoy its privileges. ¿Qué cosa más grande que tener a alguien con quien te atrevas a hablar como contigo mismo? THIS God I invoke with bended knees, and recoil with horror from the blood of sacrifices from their foul and detestable odors, and from every earth-born magic fire: for the profane and impious superstitions which are defiled by these rites have cast down and consigned to perdition many, nay, whole nations of the Gentile world. „Si un judío ha comprado y circuncidado a un esclavo cristiano o uno que pertenece a otra comunidad religiosa, bajo ninguna circunstancia puede mantener a la persona circuncidada en esclavitud; más bien, quien sufre tal cosa obtendrá el privilegio de la libertad.“, „When we, Constantine and Licinius, emperors, had an interview at Milan, and conferred together with respect to the good and security of the commonweal, it seemed to us that, amongst those things that are profitable to mankind in general, the reverence paid to the Divinity merited our first and chief attention, and that it was proper that the Christians and all others should have liberty to follow that mode of religion which to each of them appeared best; so that that God, who is seated in heaven, might be benign and propitious to us, and to every one under our government. And therefore we judged it a salutary measure, and one highly consonant to right reason, that no man should be denied leave of attaching himself to the rites of the Christians, or to whatever other religion his mind directed him, that thus the supreme Divinity, to whose worship we freely devote ourselves, might continue to vouchsafe His favour and beneficence to us. CONSTANTINO. El Concilio de Nicea estableció, en el año 325, la regla según la cual la Pascua se celebraría el primer domingo tras la luna llena que sigue al equinoccio de primavera del hemisferio norte. 7, p. 320 translation: When I, Constantine Augustus, as well as I Licinius Augustus fortunately met near Mediolanurn [Milan], and were considering everything that pertained to the public welfare and security, we thought —, among other things which we saw would be for the good of many, those regulations pertaining to the reverence of the Divinity ought certainly to be made first, so that we might grant to the Christians and others full authority to observe that religion which each preferred; whence any Divinity whatsoever in the seat of the heavens may be propitious and kindly disposed to us and all who are placed under our rule. Encuentra frases y citas celebres de todos los tiempos. While the arrogant and haughty are utterly overthrown, he requires the humble and forgiving with deserved rewards: even so does he highly honor and strengthen with his special help a kingdom justly governed, and maintains a prudent king in the tranquility of peace. Las mejores frases de Constantino Cavafis, aforismos y citas seleccionados por Mundi Frases .com Añade nuestro enlace en tu sitio, blog o foro! When you see that this has been granted to them by us, your Worship will know that we have also conceded to other religions the right of open and free observance of their worship for the sake of the peace of our times, that each one may have the free opportunity to worship as he pleases; this regulation is made we that we may not seem to detract from any dignity or any religion.As translated in The Early Christian Persecutions (1897) by Dana Carleton Munro of Milan (313), This God I confess that I hold in unceasing honor and remembrance; this God I delight to contemplate with pure and guileless thoughts in the height of his glory. O holy faith, who givest us in our Saviour's words and precepts a model, as it were, of what our life should be, how hardly wouldst thou thyself resist the sins of men, were it not that thou refusest to subserve the purposes of gain! Hermosas Frases.Comparta su pasión por las cotizaciones. FRASES CONSTANTINO. ¿Te hemos sido de ayuda? As translated in The Ante-Nicene Fathers (1886) edited by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, Vol. And we thought fit to be thus special in the things committed to your charge, that you might understand that the indulgence which we have granted in matters of religion to the Christians is ample and unconditional; and perceive at the same time that the open and free exercise of their respective religions is granted to all others, as well as to the Christians. In my own judgment, he whose first object is the maintenance of peace, seems to be superior to Victory herself; and where a right and honorable course lies open to one's choice, surely no one would hesitate to adopt it. Se considera que esto fue esencial para la expansión de esta religión, y los historiadores, desde Lactancio y Eusebio de Cesarea hasta nuestros días, le presentan como el primer emperador cristiano, si bien fue bautizado cuando ya se encontraba en su lecho de muerte, tras un largo catecumenado. 7, p. 320 translation: When I, Constantine Augustus, as well as I Licinius Augustus fortunately met near Mediolanum [Milan], and were considering everything that pertained to the public welfare and security, we thought —, among other things which we saw would be for the good of many, those regulations pertaining to the reverence of the Divinity ought certainly to be made first, so that we might grant to the Christians and others full authority to observe that religion which each preferred; whence any Divinity whatsoever in the seat of the heavens may be propitious and kindly disposed to us and all who are placed under our rule. I CANNOT, then, my brother believe that I err in acknowledging this one God, the author and parent of all things: whom many of my predecessors in power, led astray by the madness of error, have ventured to deny... For I myself have witnessed the end of those who lately harassed the worshipers of God by their impious edict. Debe ser muy grande el placer que proporciona el gobernar, puesto que son tantos los que aspiran a hacerlo. Quien piensa a lo grande tiene que equivocarse a lo grande. Grande es siempre el amor maternal, pero toca en lo sublime cuando se mezcla con la admiración por el hijo amado. Hence it is that, as my actions themselves evince, I profess the most holy religion; and this worship I declare to be that which teaches me deeper acquaintance with the most holy God; aided by whose Divine power, beginning from the very borders of the ocean, I have aroused each nation of the world in succession to a well-grounded hope of security; so that those which, groaning in servitude to the most cruel tyrants and yielding to the pressure of their daily sufferings, had well nigh been utterly destroyed, have been restored through my agency to a far happier state. El hombre es verdaderamente grande sólo cuando obra a impulso de las pasiones. For it befits the well-ordered state and the tranquillity of our times that each individual be allowed, according to his own choice, to worship the Divinity; and we mean not to derogate aught from the honour due to any religion or its votaries. Therefore, your Worship should know that it has pleased us to remove all conditions whatsoever, which were in the rescripts formerly given to you officially, concerning the Christians and now any one of these who wishes to observe Christian religion may do so freely and openly, without molestation. El hombre que se levanta es aún más grande que el que no ha caído. El valor y la sagacidad son tan comunes en los salteadores de caminos como en los héroes, El hombre es verdaderamente grande sólo cuando obra a impulso de las pasiones. Lastly, in accordance with your usual sound judgment, do ye exhibit a becoming diligence in selecting the person of whom you stand in need, carefully avoiding all factious and tumultuous clamor; for such clamor is always wrong, and from the collision of discordant elements both sparks and flame will arise. Únete a nosotros. For his pleasure is in works of moderation and gentleness: he loves the meek, and hates the turbulent spirit: delighting in faith, he chastises unbelief: by him all presumptuous power is broken down, and he avenges the insolence of the proud. And thus by this wholesome counsel and most upright provision we thought to arrange that no one whatsoever should be denied the opportunity to give his heart to the observance of the Christian religion, or of that religion which he should think best for himself, so that the Supreme Deity, to whose worship we freely yield our hearts, may show in all things His usual favor and benevolence. Letter of Constantine to the Antiochians (332)Contexto: How pleasing to the wise and intelligent portion of mankind is the concord which exists among you! And I myself, brethren, am disposed to love you with an enduring affection, inspired both by religion, and by your own manner of life and zeal on my behalf. And therefore we judged it a salutary measure, and one highly consonant to right reason, that no man should be denied leave of attaching himself to the rites of the Christians, or to whatever other religion his mind directed him, that thus the supreme Divinity, to whose worship we freely devote ourselves, might continue to vouchsafe His favour and beneficence to us. Sombra y noche es el silencio; día de luz, la palabra. Buscador de frases célebres, citas célebres, frases cortas, frases de amor, proverbios, refranes y dichos de todos los tiempos. In my own judgment, he whose first object is the maintenance of peace, seems to be superior to Victory herself“, „If a Jew has bought and circumcised a Christian slave or one belonging to any other religious community, he may under no circumstances keep the circumcised person in slavery; rather, whoever suffers such a thing shall obtain the privilege of freedom.“, „Some time ago a most salutary sanction of our constitution was promulgated, which we now make doubly noteworthy by the repetition of our law. Frases célebres sobre el himno nacional del ecuador, Frases para la educacion segun ovidio decroly. I protest, as I desire to please God and you, and to enjoy a happiness commensurate with your kind wishes, that I love you, and the quiet haven of your gentleness, now that you have cast from you that which defiled, and received in its place at once sound morality and concord, firmly planting in the vessel the sacred standard, and guided, as one may say, by a helm of iron in your course onward to the light of heaven. I CANNOT, then, my brother believe that I err in acknowledging this one God, the author and parent of all things: whom many of my predecessors in power, led astray by the madness of error, have ventured to deny“, „Hence I am fully persuaded that everything is in the best and safest posture, since God is vouchsafing, through the influence of their pure and faithful religious service, and their unity of judgment respecting his Divine character, to gather all men to himself“, „How pleasing to the wise and intelligent portion of mankind is the concord which exists among you!“, „When we, Constantine and Licinius, emperors, had an interview at Milan, and conferred together with respect to the good and security of the commonweal, it seemed to us that, amongst those things that are profitable to mankind in general, the reverence paid to the Divinity merited our first and chief attention, and that it was proper that the Christians and all others should have liberty to follow that mode of religion which to each of them appeared best; so that that God, who is seated in heaven, might be benign and propitious to us, and to every one under our government.“, „O holy faith, who givest us in our Saviour's words and precepts a model, as it were, of what our life should be, how hardly wouldst thou thyself resist the sins of men, were it not that thou refusest to subserve the purposes of gain! As translated in The Ante-Nicene Fathers (1886) edited by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, Vol. Ninguna situación es tan grave que no sea susceptible de empeorar. It is not right that a Jew who has circumcised a slave of this kind should keep him in slavery.“, „If any Jew has purchased and circumcised a Christian slave or one of any other sect than his own, he shall not keep the circumcised slave in servitude, but the man who has suffered this outrage shall be granted the rights of liberty.“. His only demand from man is purity of mind and an undefiled spirit; and by this standard he weighs the actions of virtue and godliness. Mayo 337. While the arrogant and haughty are utterly overthrown, he requires the humble and forgiving with deserved rewards: even so does he highly honor and strengthen with his special help a kingdom justly governed, and maintains a prudent king in the tranquility of peace. Una mentira es como una bola de nieve; cuanto más rueda, más grande se vuelve. Therefore, your Worship should know that it has pleased us to remove all conditions whatsoever, which were in the rescripts formerly given to you officially, concerning the Christians and now any one of these who wishes to observe Christian religion may do so freely and openly, without molestation. Flavio Valerio Aurelio Constantino[2]​ fue Emperador de los romanos desde su proclamación por sus tropas el 25 de julio de 306, y gobernó un Imperio romano en constante crecimiento hasta su muerte. ESCRITOS CONSTANTINO. His only demand from man is purity of mind and an undefiled spirit; and by this standard he weighs the actions of virtue and godliness. And accordingly we give you to know that, without regard to any provisos in our former orders to you concerning the Christians, all who choose that religion are to be permitted, freely and absolutely, to remain in it, and not to be disturbed any ways, or molested. Se le conoce también como Constantino I, Constantino el Grande o, en la Iglesia ortodoxa, las Iglesias ortodoxas orientales y la Iglesia católica bizantina griega, como san Constantino. Hence I am fully persuaded that everything is in the best and safest posture, since God is vouchsafing, through the influence of their pure and faithful religious service, and their unity of judgment respecting his Divine character, to gather all men to himselfLetter of Constantine to Sapor, King of the Persians (333), Letter of Constantine to the Numidian Bishops (330)Contexto: This is certainly the Will of the Supreme God, who is the Author of this world and its Father, (through whose goodness we enjoy life, look up to heaven, and rejoice in the society of our fellow-men), that the whole human race should agree together and be joined in a certain affectionate union by, as it were, a mutual embrace... Let us... my Brothers, follow after the things that are ours, let us walk in the way of the Commandments, let us by good actions keep the Divine Precepts, let us free our life from errors and with the help of the mercy of God, let us direct it along the right path, As recorded in the Life of Emperor Constantine [De vita Imperatoris Constantini] by EusebiusOriginal: (el) ἐν τούτῳ νίκα.Contexto: ""In this sign thou shalt conquer"" or ""In this sign you will conquer"", often rendered in its Latinized form: In hoc signo vinces; this motto is said to have been adopted by Constantine after his vision of a Chi Rho sign in the heavens just before his decisive battle with Maxentius, A. D. 312, Letter of Constantine to Sapor, King of the Persians (333)Contexto: By keeping the Divine faith, I am made a partaker of the light of truth: guided by the light of truth, I advance in the knowledge of the Divine faith. Grande o pequeño, todo hombre es poeta si sabe ver el ideal, más allá de sus actos. THIS God I invoke with bended knees, and recoil with horror from the blood of sacrifices from their foul and detestable odors, and from every earth-born magic fire: for the profane and impious superstitions which are defiled by these rites have cast down and consigned to perdition many, nay, whole nations of the Gentile world. And for this abundant thanksgivings are due to God that through his excellent Providence all men who observe his holy laws are gladdened by the renewed enjoyment of peace.
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