Not listed as a noxious weed by the state or governments in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The whitish flesh is very juicy and has a strawberry flavour which in some varieties can have a spicy taste. Psidium cattleianum. Hawaii's terrestrial ecosystems: preservation and management. Plantas hospederas: Polifago, guayaba (Psidium guajava), arazá (Psidium cattleianum), camelia (Camellia japonica), caquizeiro (Diospyros kaki), níspero del japón (Eriobotrya japonica), pomarrosa (Eugenia jambos) etc. The yellow variety bears even more heavily than the red and generally has larger fruit. "[4] The red-fruited variety, P. cattleyanum var. Contienen más de 130 géneros, entre ellos las psidium, donde se encuentra: la psidium guajava (guayaba común), la psidium cattleianum (árbol de guayaba fresa) y otras especies como el árbol de guayaba rosa. Psidium variabile O.Berg. Locations within which Psidium cattleianum is naturalised include Australia, tropical and southern Africa, New Zealand, south-eastern USA and many oceanic islands with warm climates. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook No. The best form of invasive species management is prevention. It has invaded humid areas such as rainforests on tropical islands especially in the Pacific and Indian Oceans where it displaces native species and threatens their survival. The red-fruited variety, P. cattleyanum var. It can also be used to make jam. [18], A variety of management strategies have been applied to P. cattleyanum management efforts due to its ubiquity and the various ways it spreads. It is considered to be the worst invasive plant species in several islands in the Indian Ocean. [11] Despite the great threat that P. cattleyanum poses to many tropical ecosystems, some studies indicate that isolated groups can be totally eradicated after three to four years of proper management applications, such as cutting and burning mature individuals and applying herbicide to stumps. Department of Land and Natural Resources, 54. The species is named in honour of English horticulturist William Cattley. They are shiny and leathery in texture. [10], Another management technique is the introduction of insects that act as parasites on the invasive plants. The editors are not aware of records of the presence of  P. cattleianum in Kenya and Uganda, though this does not necessarily mean that it is absent from these countries. Biocontrol of Strawberry Guava by its Natural Control Agent for Preservation of Native Forests in the Hawaiian Islands. Usambara Invasive Plants - Amani Nature Reserve - (2012). Its fleshy fruit (2-3 cm across) turn purplish-red in colour when mature and are crowned with the some of the old flower parts. It is hardy to zone (UK) 10 and is frost tender. A population study and distribution of strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum) in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. 1989. Thus, some control efforts involve removal and control of invasive fauna. ex DC.) leaves, flowers and young fruit (Photo: Rosa Say, CC BY-NC-ND), immature fruit (Photo: John Mauremootoo, CC-BY-NC), mature fruit (Photo: Forest & Kim Starr, CC-BY), infestation, Mauritius (Photo: John Mauremootoo, CC-BY-NC), Psidium cattleianum var. A complete guide to declared weeds and invaders in South Africa. Control is generally best applied to the least infested areas before dense infestations are tackled. Bark Photograph by: Starr, F. & K. Image credit to Australian National Botanic Gardens. Global Invasive Species Database online data sheet. Psidium obovatum Mart. Nutritional and nutraceutical comparison of Jamaican Psidium cattleianum (strawberry guava) and Psidium guajava (common guava) fruits. [7] It tends to form dense, monotypic stands which prevent regrowth of native species, and is very difficult to eradicate; it also provides refuge for fruit flies which cause extensive agricultural damage. Como ocurre en muchos frutales tropicales y subtropicales las hojas del Psidium cattleianum, para protegerse del frio y de las peligrosas heladas del invierno mediterráneo, sintetizan antocianos y se tiñen de rojo-morado al bajar la temperatura en otoño. [12] This management strategy, known as the “special ecological areas,” is one of the strongest ways of controlling plant species over time. pp. Psidium cattleianum (tree, shrub). cattleyanum, is commonly known as purple guava, red cattley guava, red strawberry guava and red cherry guava. [10] However, results from such efforts are often unsuccessful due to the lack of dependence upon the animals for dispersal, as germination occurs under a wide variety of conditions. [11] This biological control approach is used because certain insects cause damage to P. cattleyanum in a way that either prevents the tree from reproducing or kills them outright. (2010). Accessed March 2011. Various chemicals can be used to control Psidium cattleianum through basal bark (painting herbicide onto the bark) and cut stump applications. [6] But, it is invasive due to its robust tolerance to many different environments. [24] The wood of the tree is hard, compact, durable, and resistant, and is used for lathe work, tool handles, charcoal, and firewood. Strawberry Guava (Psidium cattleianum) – Prospects for Biological Control. The leaves are dark green, opposite, elliptic to oblong and up to 8 cm long. Suitable for: light (sandy) and medium (loamy) soils and prefers well-drained soil. It is also naturalised on Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and Christmas Island (Navie 2004; Queensland Herbarium 2008). Psidium indicum Bojer. Consistent follow-up work is required for sustainable management. Huenneke, L. (1990). Research into biological control agents for P. cattleianum is being carried out in Hawaii. littorale (O. Berg) Fosb., Psidium littoraleRaddi, Strawberry guava, cattley guava, cherry guava, Chinese guava. Master's thesis. Special ecological areas: an approach to alien plant control in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. C. Wikler, J. Pedrosa-Macedo, M. Vitorino, M. Caxambú, C. Smith. This renders the fruits inedible soon after they are picked. Its leaves may be brewed for tea. cattleyanum, is commonly known as purple guava, red cattley guava, red strawberry guava and red cherry guava. Psidium cattleianum may be confused with Psidium guajava (guava) and Psidium guineense (Brazilian guava). Não confunda com o araçá-boi (Eugenia stipitata), também conhecido como araçá-do-sertão ou araçá-mark. Psidium cattleianum Name Synonyms Episyzygium oahuense Suess. Psidium cattleianum is a small erect evergreen bush or tree growing to 7.5 m, although often much smaller. [12] Additionally, its seeds have many health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties in addition to a high amount of Vitamin C.[9][13], P. cattleyanum occurs primarily in mesic tropical rainforest environments[10] at an elevation of up to 1300m, but is found primarily below 800m. 584. [9], P. cattleyanum reproduces through setting seed and through cloning. Psidium cattleianum can form dense thickets that exclude native vegetation and reduce native species regeneration. No suele superar los 3 metros de altura, pero en ocasiones puede crecer hasta convertirse en un árbol de hasta 10 metros. Bark Photograph by: Starr, F. & K. Image credit to Australian National Botanic Gardens. It is now highly prevalent in tropical rain forest ecosystems due mainly to accidental transportation and its invasive plant properties. [12] However, continued follow-up management is necessary indefinitely after a period of high-intensity restoration. [11] Once such species, the sawfly (Haplostegus epimelas), attacked commercially produced guava plants in addition to invasive P. Agnes Lusweti, National Museums of Kenya; Emily Wabuyele, National Museums of Kenya, Paul Ssegawa, Makerere University; John Mauremootoo, BioNET-INTERNATIONAL Secretariat - UK. It was introduced to many of the areas it now invades due to human usage as a crop for its edible fruit. K. McCook-Russella, M. Nairb, P. Faceya, C. Bowen-Forbesa. [19] It is able to propagate quickly due to the spread of its seed, which occurs as its seeds fall and as birds and feral pigs transport fruits,[10] as well as through its root sprouts. [12] It works by focusing wood removal, burning, and other management efforts in the designated efforts. [23] However, some insects cannot be used due to the potential for certain species to attack more than P. [16], P. cattleyanum acts as an invasive by creating dense thickets that crowd out sunlight, limiting the potential for other plant species to coexist. Larger plants can be uprooted but it is labour intensive and the plant can resprout if root fragments are left in the ground. Univ. Some varieties have a yellow skin. [6][8] It was introduced in Hawaii as early as 1825 to create an agricultural market for its fruits, but it has yet to be a commercially viable product. Seedling and clonal recruitment of the invasive tree Psidium cattleianum: implications for management of native Hawaiian forests. 180-250. in C. P. Stone and J. M. Scott (eds.). [11] For example, Diasineura gigantea caused bud galls that inhibited shoot growth. Native to Brazil where it is known as araçá (ara-SAH) and adjacent tropical South America, it is closely related to common guava (P. guajava), and like that species is a widespread, highly invasive species in tropical areas throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans. As an invasive species, P. cattleyanum is sometimes erroneously called Chinese guava. Guajava cattleyana (Sabine) Kuntze Guajava obovata (Mart. Univ. The seeds are small and white in colour. The yellow form tends to be a bit less hardy and therefore is found at slightly lower elevations. coriaceum O.Berg Psidium cattleianum var. Huenneke, L.F. and P. M. Vitousek. (2016). 2007. cattleyanum. [17] It is also capable of withstanding heavy leaf litter and responding to bending or breaking of its branches by generating vigorous shoots. (1999). The yellow-fruited variety, P… Tropical Biology Association (2010). Although P. cattleyanum has select economic uses,[2][5][6] it is considered the most invasive plant in Hawaii. [2][12] However, products made from P. cattleyanum are not commercially available because of a lack of market and the heavy presence of fruit flies. Kuntze Myrtus verrucosa Berg Psidium cattleianum var. Lowe S., Browne M., Boudjelas S., De Poorter M. (2000). Smith, C. W. 1985. Hawaii, Honolulu. If in doubt consult an expert. Natl. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs). [8], Cattley guava is sporadically naturalised in coastal areas of Queensland and northern New South Wales. Se le conoce como guayabo peruano, arazá rojo, guayabita del Petú o güisaro, es natural de América del Sur, especialmente de Perú. Psidium ferrugineum C.Presl. The precise management measures adopted for any plant invasion will depend upon factors such as the terrain, the cost and availability of labour, the severity of the infestation and the presence of other invasive species. This fruit has thin skin that ranges from yellow to a dark red or purple, is ovular in shape, and grows to around 4 cm in length. Its bark is grey to reddish-brown and peels readily. Alien weeds and invasive plants. littorale is variously known as yellow cattley guava, yellow strawberry guava, yellow cherry guava,[2] lemon guava and in Hawaii as waiawī. Some components of an integrated management approach are introduced below. Psidium cattleyanum (World Plants : Psidium cattleianum),[2][3] commonly known as Cattley guava, strawberry guava or cherry guava, is a small tree (2–6 m tall) in the Myrtaceae (myrtle) family. El Guayabo Amarillo un árbol muy aromático, que ya era cultivado por los nativos antes de la llegada de los españoles. [11], The whole fruit can be eaten as both the thin skin and juicy interior are soft and tasty. Its ubiquity in damaged ecosystems further muddles management due to its high dispersal from these less-sensitive habitats to more fragile habitats. Arbusto de Psidium cattleianum Figura 27. Host specificity of Tectococcus ovatus (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae), a potential biological control agent of the invasive strawberry guava, Psidium cattleyanum (Myrtales: Myrtaceae), in Florida. 12, 300pp. Controlling the weed before it seeds will reduce future problems. Wessels, Frank J., James P. Cuda, M. Tracy Johnson and José Henrique Pedrosa-Macedo. The pigs disturb habitats by digging in the soil, making it easier for P. cattleyanum seeds to reach the soil. [21] Its ability to thrive in a variety of different habitats under many different ecological conditions[16] threatens native flora of many different habitat types. PPR, ARC South Africa. [15] P. cattleyanum is prevalent in both undisturbed[10] and highly disturbed roadside habitats in its invasive range. [7][10], P. cattleyanum does not dominate plant communities in its native range. Psidium cattleianum is invasive in parts of Tanzania (Tropical Biology Association 2010). Eugenia pseudovenosa H.Perrier Eugenia urceolata Cordem. "Strawberry Guava - Psidium cattleianum - Details - Encyclopedia of Life", "Biological Control of Strawberry Guava in Hawaii", "PCA Alien Plant Working Group - Strawberry Guava (Psidium cattleianum)". P. cattleianum is naturalized in many tropical and subtropical countries after introduction as an ornamental or a fruit tree. O araçazeiro, cujo fruto é o araçá, é uma árvore ou arvoreta, de copa esparsa, muitas vezes com porte arbustivo, alcançando de 1 a 9 metros de altura. Sus hoja son elípticas, y sus flores blancas. Seedling and clonal recruitment of the invasive tree Psidium cattleianum: Implications for management of native Hawaiian forests. These species can be distinguished by the following differences: The fruit of Psidium cattleianum is edible and can be eaten raw or processed into jams and other products. [14] Its invasive quality may be explained by a high amount of genetic variation, as variants of different fruit colors cluster at different elevations. [12], Feral pigs and non-native birds contribute to the spread of P. cattleyanum via seed dispersal.
2020 psidium cattleianum cuidados