Senaviev has a boisterous sense of humor with a booming laugh. Senaviev a le soutien d'un bon nombre de spécialistes, mais il sent qu'il a un potentiel qu'il n'arrive pas encore à exploiter au maximum. The Shumikha Launcher grenades function similar to Capitão's Asphyxiating Bolts or Goyo's Volcán Shields, respectively the fire effect. Tachanka wears a Gorka 4 in KZS pattern and Fort Defender 2 with an SSO/SPOSN Avizent Smersh over it and two DP-28 mag pouches. The Mounted LMG gives a potent level of protection. "Ils m'ont dit que j'étais mort. Since he's used to immediate deployment and damage output, Tachanka must adjust his timing to compensate. Rainbow Spetsnaz Statistics The two of them anchoring an objective makes a powerful duo. It is possible for Attackers to hijack the LMG and use it against Defenders. This places Tachanka into a critical position, as he can remodel defense points and create his own angles to launch his grenades. […], Senaviev's younger sister is a doctor and our discussion had barely started when he was showing me pictures of her in her doctor's smock, along with a dozen more photos of his nieces and nephews and his own kids. The Mounted LMG gives a potent level of protection. Senaviev a demandé à rejoindre la flotte maritime militaire russe, mais pour des raisons toujours tenues secrètes, il n'a pas reçu l'autorisation de quitter les forces armées. Pour une plus grande efficacité, utilisez plusieurs grenades d'un coup pour couvrir une zone plus large et pour toucher un adversaire à coup sûr. Tachanka possède 10 grenades en début de match et le lance-grenade a une capacité de 5 grenades maximum. Unable to part with the RP-46, Senaviev modified it to be portable. Alexsandr Senaviev (Russian: Александр Сенавьев, tr. La tourelle humaine, Tachanka, a subi un rework avec la nouvelle saison de Rainbow Six Siege. Device: Shumikha Grenade Launcher And so what Senaviev wants for his family and friends - for them to find a role where they feel useful - is what he's trying to find for himself. […], La petite sœur de Senaviev est médecin et notre échange avait à peine commencé qu'il me montrait des photos d'elle en blouse, de ses nièces et de ses neveux, et même de ses propres enfants. […] He and his sister grew up in a strict household without many things, which is why he makes a great effort to enjoy life. In the meantime, I've attached a list of possible adjustments we can make to this LMG, if I can get Tachanka to let us make changes. A collector of antique weapons, Senaviev prefers to use original parts rather than modern variants from Somalia, Libya, and Syria, to maintain his RP-46. DERNIÈRES INFORMATIONS. Operator: Specialist Alexsandr "Tachanka" Senaviev Je crois surtout que c'est ce qu'il cherche lui-même et c'est à Rainbow de tout mettre en œuvre pour l'aider à y parvenir. The LMG holds 60+1 rounds and has 179 rounds in reserve. Once deployed, the LMG can be used by anyone. The ballistic shield on Tachanka's Mounted LMG had "Lord" (Russian: Лорд) on its side panels, a reference to the community meme "Lord Tachanka". There's a contingent of specialists who passionately support him, yet Senaviev feels he has potential that he doesn't know how to maximize. It's up to Rainbow, as a team, to guide him. Organization Il a subit une refonte lors de … I'm particularly interested in the "bounce" effect of the grenades. Position Tachanka wears a Maska-1SCh helmet, which was in use by the Russian MVD until being largely replaced by the aluminum ZSh-1-2, and then the ZSh-1-2m and ZSh-1-2mr, which features integrated comms. © 2015 Ubisoft Entertainment. Alexsandr Senaviev (Александр Сенавьев en russe), surnommé Tachanka, est un agent défenseur apparaissant dans Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. He would go on to marry and have kids, though the relationship later ended in divorce. Evaluation Lead: Dr. Elena "Mira" Álvarez, Director of R&D. November 3 D'ores et déjà disponible en phase de test, la refonte de Tachanka arrivera pour tout le monde lors du lancement de l' Opération Shadow Legacy, qui apportera Sam Fisher. Date of birth So along with our meeting, I wanted to dig deeper into field reports and observe him in training before I could reassess his background. Tachanka possède 10 grenades en début de match et le lance-grenade a une capacité de 5 grenades maximum. Ce dernier est total : son gadget, son arme principale et … Voice Actor "Then go be useful in something else." Rainbow Six: Siege's Reworked Tachanka Is Ridiculous All hail Lord Tachanka,  Rainbow Six Siege 's popular defensive tank character. On the Test Server, Tachanka's rework initially featured a Withstand ability that allowed him to get back up once when downed, similar to. Speed Rating The LMG has had so many modifications to it already - mostly by Senaviev - that it's in a category of its own. During his recovery at Hereford Base, his mounted RP-46 Degtyaryov Machine Gun was modified by Mira to include a ballistic shield to prevent future injuries. On November 13th 2016, Senaviev was declared clinically dead for two minutes following an operation on the field. At the age of eighteen, Senaviev was conscripted into military service just as the Soviet Union was ending its operations in Afghanistan. Tachanka's original voice actor, Anatoly Zinoviev, was replaced following Tachanka's rework due to" unavoidable constraints" in scheduling. The LMG has a rate of fire of 550 RPM, fully-automatic. Tachanka was reworked in the Operation Shadow Legacy expansion. However, there was still a need to remodel the sites o… Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six SiegeTom Clancy's Elite SquadArknights The team of engineers led by Elena “Mira” Alvarez added a ballistic shield that protects the head from frontal shots. Tachanka doesn't want anyone to "touch his toys" but he understands these evaluations are crucial for team operations. In his reworked version, Tachanka is still a Heavy Armored Operator, but he is now able to be more mobile than before. 190lbs (86kg) Having been decommissioned in the 1960s, the RP-46 Degtyaryov was one of the last machine guns manufactured by the Soviet Union. Yesterday my day started with being handed a flight case that looked like it has been dropped ten thousand feet from a plane, and then dragged behind the delivery van before it reached us. Comprend l'uniforme Slava Korolyu, une animation de victoire, une skin de gadget pour son lance-grenades Shumikha, une skin d'arme pour le DP-27, le 9x19VSN, le GSH18 et le PMM, ainsi que le pendentif Chibi Tachanka élite. Je pense que ce comportement lui vient en partie de son divorce. it's there he may just find a place where he fits. As an alternative to Smoke's Grenades, Tachanka’s Launcher can react faster to enemy push by covering more than one angle and benefitting from a high rate of fire. All Rights Reserved. Pour une plus grande efficacité, utilisez plusieurs grenades d'un coup pour couvrir une zone plus large et pour toucher un adversaire à coup sûr. The LMG has above average environmental destruction capabilities, being able to penetrate through two surfaces with one shot and destroy portions of walls more than other guns. The K6-3, a Russian FSB titanium helmet, is available as an alternate headgear and has a Gear Craft SS-Leto patterned helmet cover. The grenades can be bounced off any surface, allowing the player to perform tricky shots or strike targets without line of sight. Unlock Senaviev would later go on to join Rainbow sometime in 2015.[4]. Since Rainbow Six Siege launched back in December 2015, Tachanka has rolled into every online skirmish with his mounted RP-46 Degtyaryov Machine Gun. After testing I can guarantee Tachanka can do just as much damage with the grenade launcher as he has done with any other weapon. Even before checking with Tachanka - Specialist Alexsandr Senaviev - I knew that's how it looked when it was put inside. […] Sa sœur et lui ont grandi dans une famille stricte et plutôt modeste, et c'est la raison pour laquelle il profite de chaque instant de sa vie. Le rechargement … Il fait tout son possible pour élever ses enfants dans l'amour et la joie. […]. Tachanka The DP27 features a low rate of fire and can break rotation holes on soft walls. Alex harbors a joyous, if acerbic outlook. Device: Mounted LMG - RP-46 Degtyaryov Machine Gun We are in the process of testing a number of prototype options. A Heavy Armored Operator, Tachanka comes equipped with the deployable mounted RP-46 Degtyaryov machine gun that can be used by both teammates and enemies alike. Armor Rating Nombreux sont les hommes dans la famille de Senaviev à avoir servi dans l'Armée rouge. Le calme au cœur de la tempête : c'est à peu près tout ce qui ressort du dossier du spécialiste Alexsandr "Tachanka" Senaviev. It was not adopted due to having many issues and not meeting requirements, such as being excessively heavy for a handheld weapon (33lb; 15kg) and hard to handle. Tachanka has been at the center of many memes for the longest time, due to his bountiful differences compared to any other operator in Siege 's roster. It's clear he wants to be a devastating force so I suggested changing his approach. It was made from a cut-down Mosin-Nagant rifle with a large revolving foreend attached in front. A Heavy Armored Operator, Tachanka comes equipped with the deployable mounted RP-46 Degtyaryov machine gun that can be used by both teammates and enemies alike. Tachanka is equipped with 10 grenades at the beginning of a match and the Launcher can hold up to 5. Personally, I appreciate someone with clarity. When deployed, it will cover its area of sight with surprising efficiency. Sí, Tachanka cambiará para siempre y dejará de utilizar esa torreta tan icónica que le ha caracterizado. Defender Tachanka's in-game bio notes that many members of his family served in the Red Army. At the same time, he doesn't like to buy or accumulate physical objects and emphasizes this with his children, much to their consternation. […] He's dedicated to his team and is focused and calm during operations. Evaluation Lead: Dr. Elena "Mira" Alvarez, Director of R&D. Killing zone deployed. Le nouveau gadget de Tachanka, le lance-grenade Shumikha, est parfait pour bloquer les accès et pour couvrir les angles morts. Cela dit, j'ai également remarqué un peu de frustration. À l'âge de dix-huit ans, alors que l'Union soviétique met fin à ses opérations en Afghanistan, Senaviev part faire son service militaire. Tachanka’s new gadget, the Shumikha Launcher, is perfect for area denial and for covering unfavorable angles. With Rainbow Six Siege's upcoming Elite skin, experience the Lord Tachanka in all his glory. He utilizes the international collector's market for replacements or will mill his own components when parts cannot be located or are not cost-effective to acquire. Though Senaviev is dedicated to his country and appreciates the life his patriotism has brought him, he has adamant that his son and nephew not make a career out of the military. Weight Tachanka is known to drink and flirt with fellow Spetsnaz operative and. Il intègre le championnat de lutte, où sa carrure et sa vision stratégique lui permettent de se distinguer. En février dernier, Ubisoft annonçait que Tachanka, opérateur défensif de Rainbow Six Siege, allait subir une refonte. The RP-46 can also destroy hatches in 5 or less effective shots. Le rechargement se fait une grenade à la fois. Along with heavy artillery, Senaviev's training focused on defensive and breaching tactics, and while there he apprenticed as a precision tool and die machinist in the weapons division. For more information, check out the Ubisoft Parent's guide, Dr Harishva "Harry" Pandey, directeur de Rainbow. Il doit savoir observer son équipe pour repérer les trous dans leur stratégie ; c'est là qu'il pourra trouver sa place. 1. Due do the recoil of the SMG-11 on console, Smoke players typically used the FMG-9, rather than the M590A1 shotgun. This allows Tachanka to quickly open up rotation holes in walls. That said, I have no doubt he'll enjoy it. Tachanka's In-game BIO > BACKGROUND section, Tachanka's In-game BIO > PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE section, Finka's In-game BIO > PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE Section, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Neon Dawn. Saint Petersburg, Russia (Leningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union) The shield can take 500 damage before being destroyed. Rainbow Six Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Personnellement, j'aime quand les gens vont droit au but. En plus de l'artillerie lourde, Senaviev se forme aux tactiques défensives et d'infiltration, ainsi qu'au métier de machiniste spécialisé dans la création d'outils de précision et de matrices au sein de la division Armes. When deployed, it will cover its area of sight with surprising efficiency. Age Une annonce qui devrait ravir la communauté, puisque Tachanka est un des Opérateurs de Rainbow Six: Siege les plus appréciés. In October 2020, he was issued an Shumikha Grenade Launcher in order to become more mobile. As the RP-46 Degtyaryov Machine Gun can only be used when interacted with directly, and due to its static nature, players nowadays only ever pick Tachanka to BMtheir opponents. J'ai donc décidé, en plus de notre entrevue, de fouiller dans les rapports de terrain et de l'observer durant sa formation afin de mieux le cerner. Voir l'animation. On the LMG is a frontal shield that protects the user of the Mounted LMG from gunfire that is aimed at their shoulders or above. With a frontal shield to protect incoming fire at the user's head, it can be used to anchor a position and block off corridors or doorways with sustained fire. Ses grenades incendiaires rebondissent plusieurs fois et leur détonateur ne s'active qu'après le premier rebond, ce qui les rend très polyvalentes. For maximum effectiveness, use several grenades together to cover a wider area and prevent your opponents from avoiding them. Aware of the Operator’s preference for such antique pieces, Six asked for the weapon to be upgraded to meet safety measures. Following an incident that left Senaviev clinically dead for two minutes, his mounted RP-46 Degtyaryov Machine Gun was inspected. ●●●Heavy He won't tell me what he plans to do with it now, though I wouldn't be surprised if he displays it somewhere in his home. I suspect that's also partly to do with his divorce. C'est donc ce qu'il souhaite pour sa famille et ses amis : qu'ils trouvent un domaine où ils se sentent utiles. Bien que Senaviev aime son pays et apprécie la vie que son patriotisme lui a offert, il fait tout son possible pour que son fils et son neveu ne poursuivent pas une carrière dans l'armée. Its heavy incendiary grenades can bounce multiple times, and their fuse timer only starts after the first bounce, giving them a lot of versatility. Alexsandr Senaviev Strategically, the immobile nature of the LMG means good positioning is required for both cover and effectiveness. "They can do the obligation," he told me. Senaviev was later transferred into the Spetsnaz shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union. That said, I've also observed some frustration. As other collaborations have resulted in characters receiving skins, like Ifrit and Exusiai's KFC-themed cosmetics, the Rainbow Six Siege partnership may mark the first time an operator will be introduced to Arknights as a result of a collaboration, although whether or not Tachanka … When unmanned, the LMG can be destroyed by gunfire. They both make sure that their kids are loved and raised with laughter. This means the LMG can take down all armor types in two shots, if within proper range. An antique grenade launcher, it launches incendiary grenades which explode 1 second after the first bounce, leaving behind a wall of fire that can damage Attackers and block off entranceways. Operator: Specialist Alexsandr "Tachanka" Senaviev Anatoly Zinoviev (2015-2020) Inside, the LMG has as many battle scars as the outside case. Mais ils se trompaient... c'était une renaissance.". Senaviev a un humour tapageur et un rire extrêmement bruyant. Tom Clancy’s, Rainbow Six, The Soldier Icon, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Once launched, only one canister will be able to reload one at a time. On voit très bien qu'il veut s'imposer comme un maillon fort, et je lui ai suggéré de changer d'approche. […] Il est dévoué à l'équipe, et lors des opérations, il se montre calme et concentré. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The launcher is an easy-to-use gadget that you’ll need great practice to properly master. When paired with Maestro and his LMG, they can provide large suppressive fire. One thing is for sure, taking the Shumikha on missions will lighten his load. His new Unique Gadget is the Shumikha Launcher. He has a limited social filter, which has gotten him into trouble in the past.[5]. Upon the dissolution of his draft, Senaviev opted to enlist full time. Aleksandr Senav'yev), codenamed Tachanka (Russian: Тачанка), is a Defending Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege.
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