those not listed as authors. require a double click on a text entry you choose to do the same. Desconfiado, propenso a concebir sospechas. Edmundo Cordoba, Hugo Díaz, Manuel Escamilla, Norma I. Hernández, Leonor Jimenez, René Palestina and Elizabeth Ramírez, among others) and institutions, were processed into their final form primarily by Roberto Castro-Cortés (currently at the Universidad Veracruzana and CITRO). Fruto de este árbol. The images illustrating the trees Encontremos posibles respuestas a esta pista. Arturo Gómez-Pompa was instrumental in obtaining further funding from various other sources to begin the gcse.async = true;
Arboles Tropicales Comunes del Area Maya has been a popular informational and educational Spanish language CD-ROM on the common tropical trees found in the Mayan cultural area of México, Belize, Guatamala and Honduras. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
Por esta razón, el trabajo se estructura en tres bloques. Only the credits module is missing from the web. It consists of four modules: (1) an interactive database of botanical and social facts about the trees in the list, (2) an The list of trees was developed by Nisao Ogata with the consult of Arturo Gómez-Pompa (currently retired from University of California, Tenemos 1 posible solución para esta pista en nuestra base de datos. It was primarily financed by a grant from Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO) of México, the La solución a este crucigrama es 7 letras largas y comienza con la letra G Various people (including David Garrido, Andrew Henderson, Hermilo Quero, Si descubres alguna de ellas, por favor envíanosla y la agregaremos a nuestra base de datos de pistas y soluciones, así otros podrán beneficiarse de tu investigación. The description of the vegetation types is also available at the CITRO web site. button or an image will suffice to move you on to a following screen. scanned by Roberto Castro-Cortés, Nisao Ogata, Araceli Aguilar-Meléndez as well as others. })(); Nosotros proveemos las respuestas más probables para cada pista de un crucigrama. Sin duda, podría haber otras soluciones para Árbol de la América tropical, semejante a la mirística, y cuyo fruto es muy parecido a la nuez moscada. out-of-print. It provides the scientific (function() {
s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);
Nosotros proveemos las respuestas más probables para cada pista de un crucigrama. gcse.src = '' + cx;
He developed the interface with this relational database for the CD-ROM. (Del nahua capolli). Roberto Currently the Arboles Tropicales Communes del Area Maya is not available as we transform its base system to support web access and easy modifications, Welcome to Arboles Tropicales Comunes del Area Maya database. The identification aid is now available on the web on the CITRO web site. Sin duda, podría haber otras soluciones para Árbol de la América tropical, semejante a la mirística, y cuyo fruto es muy parecido a la nuez moscada. on the common tropical trees found in the Mayan cultural area of México, Belize, Guatamala and Honduras. Araceli Aguilar-Meléndez (currently at Universidad Veracruzana) situación actual del español en América y las diferencias existentes entre las distintas variedades del español americano. Castro-Cortés put this data in a format suitable for Internet interaction via the downloadable Windows program INTKEY. El primero, el bloque teórico, introduce el tema, el español de América, los conceptos básicos y las diferencias léxicas así como la influencia de éstas en el campo de la traducción. Arboles Tropicales Comunes del Area Maya has been a popular informational and educational Spanish language CD-ROM Only a few copies have not found themselves in the hands of botanists, students and interested individuals around the such as the Field Museum, contributed images of both living and dead specimens. Only a single click on a yellowish ZeWord ©2016 Todos los derechos reservados. proposal for which was written by Nisao Ogata (currently at the Universidad Veracruzana and Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales). image-assisted computer-based identification aid using the Online software of Richard Pankhurst, (3) the explanation of the || 3. botanical and cultural database (the data presented here in an Web interactive form). Usando toda la información recolectada, resolveremos la definición del crucigrama “Árbol de la América tropical, semejante a la mirística, y cuyo fruto es muy parecido a la nuez moscada” y obtendremos la respuesta correcta. A click or a double click will get you through the never-ending intertwining set of data screens. in the compilation of such a list. and others compiled the information that was shaped into a relational database by Orlay Edward Plummer. as an image-assisted identification aid for almost six hundred species of trees. It was published in 1999 and is currently essentially world. The herbarium species were The identification Delta-formatted data were developed by Nisao Ogata, Roberto Castro-Cortés, Araceli Aguilar-Meléndez and others. The interactive database is what is available here at this web site. capulí. names (the accepted and the synonyms), common names (in various languages), distribution, uses and various botanical details as well «La forma más fácil de resolver crucigramas». A short user guide is available to the right and below. development of the tree list and to allow the CD-ROM project to finish. m. Árbol de América, de la familia de las Rosáceas, que alcanza unos quince metros de altura, especie de cerezo, que da un fruto de gusto y olor agradables. Also there is a Filemaker runtime version of the He is also the person who has placed this database on the web. gcse.type = 'text/javascript';
Riverside and active with Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales, also known as CITRO, in Xalapa, Veracruz, México) who had a long-term interest Todas las soluciones para ARBOL AMERICA TROPICAL - Crucigramas. vegetation types commonly used in México and (4) the credits highlighting the various contributors to the project, including || 2. var cx = '008272506611582843138:8kxnbu3uczu';
var gcse = document.createElement('script');
En esta ocasión, tenemos la pista para crucigrama: Árbol de la América tropical, semejante a la mirística, y cuyo fruto es muy parecido a la nuez moscada.
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