Betrayal at House on the Hill ist ein von Avalon Hill verlegtes Brettspiel. Jedes Szenario bietet einen anderen Hintergrund wie beispielsweise einen Überfall von Zombies, Frankensteins Monster, eine Invasion von Außerirdischen, ein sich öffnendes Tor zur Hölle oder einen bösen Kult. Required fields are marked *, Is this a review? Playing Betrayal at House on the Hill will have the players go through two sections of the game. We're on a mission to fix the broken user review system. The game comes with cards (event, items and omen), pre-painted plastic figures that represent the different characters, as well as special tokens. Während des Spiels verdichten sich durch sogenannte Omen die Hinweise, dass einer der Spieler ein Verräter ist. As we come to the end of this review betrayal at house on a hill can turn out to be a very addictive game once you get the gist of playing it. Your email address will not be published. In short, we’ll always remain objective and find you the best products regardless of any monetary incentive. Jede Spielfigur hat vier verschiedene Attribute, die sich durch Ereignisse im Spiel verändern können. How does his game even work? Die Spieler beginnen als eine Gruppe verbündeter Abenteurer, die in einem Spukhaus gefangen sind und anfangen, die nach dem Zufallsprinzip angelegten Räume des gefährlichen Anwesens zu erkunden. Jedes Mal, wenn ihr einen neuen Raum betretet, könnt ihr etwas finden … oder etwas findet euch. Betrayal at House on The Hill is a haunted house board game that’s based on a horror movie. That’s our promise and our commitment.. Christen and Rex [Founders of Gadget Review], © Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved  |  Gadget Review. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 5. Betrayal at House on The Hill is a haunted house board game that’s based on a horror movie. Both traitors and heroes then uncover what they need to do to win the game, and once done, everybody gets back into the same room and it now becomes a fight to the end for victory. Gadget Review works with a variety of eCommerce partners and vendors to help monetize the site’s traffic – instead of advertisers. Während des Spiels verdic… Betrayal at House on the Hill gewann 2004 den Gamers Choice Award als bestes Brettspiel.[1]. Yes. You can read more about our honesty pledge for additional insight on this matter. Things can seem very daunting when you play this game for the first time, but eventually, the game becomes a lot more easier to wrap your head around after you’ve had a few tries with it. As they do so, they will find items, discover events and eventually, something happens that’ll cause one explorer to turn a traitor. Dabei sind sie allerlei gruseligen Ereignissen ausgesetzt und entdecken mysteriöse Gegenstände. More importantly, why isn’t it named Betrayal At THE House On The Hill? Unbiased, No B.S. Ziel der Helden ist es dabei zumeist, den Plan des Verräters zu vereiteln, während der Verräter meistens alle Helden töten muss. An einem bestimmten Punkt des Spiels wird der Verräter enttarnt, und das Spiel kommt in eine neue Phase, den so genannten Spuk. Im Oktober 2019 erscheint das Spiel erstmals in deutscher Sprache. The game is modeled after the horror B-movie trope of people exploring a spooky haunted house when suddenly everything goes wrong. "Betrayal at House on the Hill" - Unboxing Aquí os traigo el vídeo unboxing de este juego. Our mission is to empower you to find the product you’re looking for and get exactly the information you need to make the right buying decision. The game is very different from what you’ll find with Catan the Board Game, but it’s still got its own sense of thrill and adventure. Die Spieler beginnen als eine Gruppe verbündeter Abenteurer, die in einem Spukhaus gefangen sind und anfangen, die nach dem Zufallsprinzip angelegten Räume des gefährlichen Anwesens zu erkunden. Accordingly, Betrayal at House on the Hill has more than earned its spot in the board game hall of fame. Your email address will not be published. As this occurs, the players who were left in the room also pick up the oher book, and go through it. Jede Spielfigur hat vier verschiedene Attribute, die sich durch Ereignisse im Spiel verändern können. From the title itself, you can probably assume what kind of board game this is going to be. This is what allows us to offer our content free of charge or without a paywall. We are always transparent about where our information comes from so that you don’t have to waste time and money buying the wrong thing. The first half of the game will be spent wandering around, discovering new rooms, and having things ha… Unlike most board games (Ticket to Ride board game for example), every time a new game begins with Betrayal at House on the Hill, there’s a very low chance that the session will be similar to what had happened in the past. Bereits ab 33,61 € Große Shopvielfalt Testberichte & Meinungen | Jetzt Betrayal at House on the Hill (WOCD0001) günstig kaufen bei The game involves players going around a haunted house … Why not name it Betrayal At House On Hill at that point? Released by Avalon Hill, Betrayal at House on the Hill is a game that’ll have you at the edge of your seat, and smack you on the face with a new set of surprises every time you get into a new room. Der Verräter und die restlichen Abenteurer, jetzt Helden genannt, bekommen unterschiedliche Aufgaben, die durch einen Entscheidungsalgorithmus aus fünfzig unterschiedlichen Szenarien ausgewählt werden. Reseñas 11 Ok, enough being mean. If you fancy a game that’s full of mystery and unpredictable, then make sure you get to the end of this Betrayal at House on The Hill review. Our reviews and buyers guides are always either based on reviews we’ve done ourselves, or aggregated from trusted sources. Die genauen Aufgaben sind jedoch in der jeweiligen Mission für beide Seiten beschrieben, wobei die jeweilige Gegenseite die Aufgabe ihres Gegners nur teilweise kennt. This fun and suspenseful game is a new experience almost every time you play – you and your friends explore “that creepy old place on the hill” until enough mystic misadventures happen that one of the players turns on all of the others! Too many are simply trying to capitalize on affiliate revenue. Hours of fun for all your friends and family. November 2019 um 05:36 Uhr bearbeitet. Sign up for our newsletter to receive weekly recommendations about seasonal and trending products. As such, some of the links on this page may earn us a commission when you click thru and purchase from the associated partner, like Amazon. Sie enthält das Dachgeschoss, neue Marker, Items, Events und Omen sowie 50 weitere Spuks. Die erste Ausgabe ist vergriffen; eine zweite erschien im Oktober 2010. And often they review only the products that provide the most kickbacks when you buy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In Betrayal at House on the Hill schlüpfen alle Spieler in die Rolle von Abenteurern und untersuchen ein gruseliges altes Haus. However, at no time, will it ever affect our rankings or judgment of the product(s) in discussion or under evaluation. They take money from brands to skew results. reviews and buyers guides. Inspiration Play Double Ditto Family Review, Monopoly E8760000 Unicorns vs Llamas Review. This is because the game has got like 50 unique scenarios that can play out, so every game you play will be different. After the characters have been chosen, players will have to first explore the haunted house to see what awaits them. The game is based on a horror movie, and having been the recipient of multiple awards, you can rest assured that you’re dealing with a board game that’s a favourite of many. Das Spiel wurde anfangs nur auf Englisch veröffentlicht. But I digress. Advancements within the game or in between rooms are made after the roll of dice, and each character also has a set of stats that change throughout the game. Betrayal at House on the Hill ist ein von Avalon Hill verlegtes Brettspiel., Wikipedia:Wikidata P3528 fehlt (Luding-Spiel-ID), „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Maybe after this you’ll find out that you’ve been missing the game on your list of the best board games to play. Im Oktober 2016 erschien die erste Erweiterung Betrayal at House on the Hill: Widow’s Walk. When this happens, this one character will take one of the 2 story books that the board game comes with, and leave the room. Why We Like It – Betrayal at House on the Hill. Kenn is a writer that's fascinated by all things tech. Den Vertrieb übernimmt dabei Asmodee Deutschland. It’s a game that’s meant for adults, and it will always leave you on the edge of your seat as you wait to see what’ll happen to your character. No Use the expansion book's haunt table rather than the original set's; it is complete. Während der Erkundung des Hauses entdeckt ihr neue Räume. Dabei sind sie allerlei gruseligen Ereignissen ausgesetzt und entdecken mysteriöse Gegenstände. The Widow's Walk is seamlessly incorporated into the house's layout-- there's even a new floor! This game may be a bit too much for young kids, so if you’re looking for one that is a lot more palatable to a younger set of players, then you should have a look at plan games azul board game. This is a very entertaining expansion for Betrayal at House on the Hill (the original boxed set is required to use it). Having been born curious about how everything works, he spends his time taking things apart to put them back together, and shares what he finds out through writing. The game involves players going around a haunted house to uncover what surprises await them, and as they proceed, they eventually have to figure out who among the chosen characters is the traitor. As far as game components go, Betrayal at House on a Hill doesn’t get things overly complicated for its players.
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